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Know a Venture

Nice to meet you! – From Boomers to Zoomers

  • 1 min read

Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha – I bet you hear them most of the time. 

Though we come across them daily, we are not sure who is exactly who? Or what do they do? What influences them?

The Iconic Cup Noodles

  • 4 min read

Cup noodle – An epitome of convenience food!
Cup Noodles which has an indisputable advantage over all convenience foods of getting ready to eat whenever and wherever you need. All you need is a cup of hot water, not a stove or an oven! and this innovative product was not made in a day!

Poojanomics – Creative economy of Durga Pooja

  • 5 min read

‘Durga Pooja’ in Bengal – is a celebration of life. It is an emotion. The festival is also a major economic powerhouse to the region and provides employment and income to artists, artisans and labourers on various scales.